The Sullivan Paranormal Society is an investigative team co-founded by Barb Shadow in 2013. Since its inception, SPS has investigated private residences, local museums, libraries, historical societies, cemeteries, bed & breakfasts, theaters and more. Although based in upstate New York, we have traveled into New Jersey and Pennsylvania to examine reports of ghostly activity.

On an excursion to Gettysburg, PA, we conducted an EVP session in The Wheatfield while taking photos of the area with a small thermal camera. It was a beautiful day, about 80 degrees, and everything on the photos was in bright yellows, oranges and reds, except for the far tree line. The temperature was vastly cooler into the woods and that area photographed in darker shades of blue. I shot quite a few photos while we relaxed in the field, the Ovilus was running and a voice recorder.

When we returned to our hotel room that night, I was able to sit and really look at the pictures I’d taken. I’ve attached the one that caught my attention immediately. If you’ll note, in front of the tree line, there appears to be the figure of a man seated in the grass. You can see the bend of his knees, his body leaning forward slightly. There was no one else in the field with us and if there had been a living person, the camera would have shown him in reds, yellows and oranges. I believe this may be a soldier from the battle, sitting on the edge of the field.  Click the image to see a larger version.

Thermal soldier Gettysburg 750px

The other photo I’ve included is from the Laurel Grove Cemetery in Port Jervis, New York. The team and I participated in a ghost walk one evening, interested in the folklore of the cemetery and the surrounding area. We listened to a fascinating account of a lady in white who would cross from one side of the cemetery to the other and of reports of child spirits playing among the graves. I was snapping pictures on my cellphone as we walked along (it was not a formal investigation).

As usual, though, I took groups of three pictures at each area. In this way, if there is something “questionable” in a photo, you have one before and one after to compare it to. Although this is hard to see, this is the second shot in a series. I’ve zoomed in, so there is a little distortion, but I wanted you to see what I saw. Original Boy beside tombstone

Next to the tombstone, bottom left of it, is the head and shoulders shot of a child. I did a quick sketch of him… apologies, I’m no artist.Sketch of Boy beside tombstone

The Sullivan Paranormal Society has given numerous local talks and appeared on a variety of radio shows to discuss our investigations, philosophy and findings. We were also included in Lynda Lee Macken’s book, Catskill Ghosts: History & Hauntings in the Catskill Mountain Region, adding some of our experiences to her discussion of haunted locations.

You can find information on the places we’ve investigated, including recordings of EVP’s, and learn more about our team at If you know of an area with reports of paranormal activity, have interesting ghostly folklore you’d like to share or suggestions on sites you’d like us to consider investigating, please Contact Us!

We’d love to hear from you. You can share your information here at From the Shadows, or on Facebook at the link above.

See the article on Sullivan Paranormal Society in the Hurleyville Sentinel.